Principal's Message

Dear Leland families,

Welcome to another exciting school year at Leland Public School!  I am so excited to be joining the Leland Community as your K-12 Principal! Our team has been working hard to get ready for the school year, and we are looking forward to welcoming our new and returning students when school begins on Tuesday, September 3rd. 

You will be receiving additional details about the 2024-2025 school year as our staff returns to school over the next few weeks. Here is some important information about the school year:

2024-2025 School Calendar: As you schedule family vacations, please pay careful attention to our holiday breaks to ensure that students are in school when LPS is in session. 

Open House and Farm-to-School Dinner: Join us on Thursday, August 29 from 5:00-7:00 pm for the can’t-miss back-to-school event. At Open House, you’ll find:

  • Elementary class lists will be posted on the front door of the school and outside classrooms. Meet teachers and see classrooms!

  • Secondary schedules are available on PowerSchool beginning August 29, and students can pick up a paper copy and request changes at Open House.

  • Meet and Greet/Information Sessions with your new principals:

    • Elementary information 6:00-6:25

    • Secondary information 6:30-6:55

  • All forms that need to be filled out will be waiting for you at Open House. You can get started more quickly with these links:

    • Contact Information can be updated with new phone numbers or addresses. 

    • Transportation request must be completed for families needing the school bus.

    • Technology forms must be turned in with the fee paid before students can receive their iPads. We have copies of these forms in the office! Students who have forms turned in before Tuesday, 8/27 will receive their iPad on the first day of school. We highly encourage bringing your students into the office to sign these forms before 8/27. 

    • Free/Reduced Lunch form should be filled out by all families. We continue to offer free meals to students this year but we need this form for district funding!

    • School Wellness Program permission form is required before students can use the Comet Clinic.

School supply lists have been posted to the LPS website,

Fall sports are already in action. You can follow along, sign your student up for a sport, and find information about competition dates and times on our LPS Athletics website.

We are hiring for the 2024/25 school year!  We are looking for bus drivers, classroom aides, day-shift custodian, cafeteria aides, and a K-12 Special Education teacher. Please visit our website to learn more about available job postings. 

We are available in the office Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm until school begins. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions as you prepare for this year!

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer! It’s going to be a great year!

-Shelagh Fehrenbach, Principal