Principal's Message


Dear LPS families,

Welcome back to a winter wonderland! Our week was full of snow forts, Spirit Week, and lots of fun. We are lucky to have such a dedicated group of staff and students who ensure that every day is joyful for LPS students. Thank you, all!

We also spent some time this week reviewing school safety and security procedures. This week on Monday, Superintendent Long met with Middle School and High School students to remind them about our safety protocols, especially regarding doors and building security. This reminder is helpful for our community too! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Our LPS doors are locked during school hours (8:20-3:16) and every one who enters the building must be checked in at the main office.

  • Students arriving past 8:20 must go through the main entrance. They will be locked out at all other entrances. Elementary families, please do not drop your students at the car line door after 8:20! High school students who arrive late need to walk to the main office to sign in and won’t be let in the PAC doors after 8:20.  

  • LPS doors must never be propped open or opened for anyone during the school day.

  • Anyone who sees a propped door should close it and inform administration that the door was found propped open.

These policies ensure that we can keep students safe in our school building, and have clear knowledge of who is in our building. Thank you for your help in following these policies and keeping LPS safe!

Elementary families, check your student’s backpack for a great Valentine’s Day “night out” opportunity! Support our senior class with date night care provided and a deal with the Riverside Inn!

As usual, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions: or (231) 256-3802. 

Shelagh Fehrenbach, K-12 Principal