For Parents
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Curriculum & Programming
Programs and Clubs
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13, August 2024
Dear Families,
I’m so excited to let you know that we are going to be offering morning and after school enrichment care for children in grades K-5 this year! We have received a state grant that will partially offset the expense and provide us with resources to develop academic enrichment for students before and after school during this time.
Our morning and afternoon program will include individualized reading enrichment in the morning and individualized math enrichment in the afternoon in addition to play and socialization time. This program that we’ve dubbed “Comet Club” will be held in the cafeteria.
Morning enrichment will start at 7:00 am and our afternoon enrichment will run from 3:20 pm - 5:30 pm each day. Ellen Keen, our Academic Interventionist and IB coordinator, will be working with classroom teachers throughout the year to review student achievement data and develop individualized learning plans to provide targeted skill development as part of their time in the Comet Club. Students will work independently for 10-15 minutes each session practicing reading and/or math skills.
Students who attend the morning session will stay in the cafe and transition to breakfast at 8:00 am. Students should be dropped off at the elementary car line entrance and go directly to the cafe. The elementary hallways and school do not open until 8:10 am.
Students registered for the afternoon session will report to the cafe after school and should be picked up at the elementary car line main entrance by 5:30 pm.
Because the grant does not cover the total cost of the program, the following fees will be assessed:
Morning session = $20 per week (Yes! Per week, not per day!)
Afternoon session = $40 per week
A late fee will be assessed at $5.00 per 10 minute increments for late pick-ups.
Payment is due on the Friday before the week the student is to attend and can be made in cash, check, or online with a credit card.
Sign up for this program can be found here. If you sign up for care and cannot attend, please notify staff by the preceding Friday; otherwise, you will be billed for that week’s time to help cover staff overtime expenses. Rates are based on a weekly rate only. There will be a weekly or monthly payment option. There is no prorating for holidays, half days, staff PD days or snow days.
If a family were to choose every week of the year, 36 total weeks, both morning and afternoon enrichment, the total cost for the school year would be $2,160. Please contact the superintendent for considerations for a family rate for families with 3 or more children.
Please also note that Comet Club will only occur on days and times school is in session. There will be no enrichment on snow days, holidays, or teacher work days. There will be no afternoon enrichment on half days of school.
Additionally, we are also working with Leland LIFT to bring afterschool programming for middle school students as well. Stay tuned!
Please email or call with any questions. We look forward to launching Comet Club for K-5th grade students starting Monday, September 9th. Have a great rest of August, and I hope to see you on August 29th for our back to school open house and farm to table meal!